Sunday, November 1, 2015

What's in a name?....

Embarking on rebranding is always a challenge. 

The toughest client I've ever met: Lissa Lowe. 

(Sounds akin to Mark Twain's "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco...," doesn't it?)

Truthfully, it wasn't difficult to define my brand. I am pretty clear about what I believe about myself and what I want to offer to clients, colleagues, friends, and family alike. The challenging part was expressing it graphically, colorfully, smartly on budget. And, on time.

Enter Kaori Drome, a graphic designer whom I met through a letterpress friend of mine, Evan Calkins of Hoban Press. (Check out the fab work created by each of them!)

My directive to Kaori was to leverage my initials --  LL -- in the brand architecture keeping these principles in mind:
  • The LL logo is the foundation. It must fundamentally be able to stand alone, but -- importantly -- must work as a specific grouping having a common thread.
  • Figuratively, LL logo needed to feel open, like avenues of communication allowing for two-way exchange + free-flowing ideas.
  • Aesthetically, LL logo had to be uncomplicated + creatively thoughtful in form with the resulting pattern articulating modernism, minimalism, and interconnectivity. The color palette requires moxie. A selection of singleminded hues that also enjoy being a part of a collective family.
  • Lastly, there needed to be unexpectedness in the LL logo construction -- a new way to express "think outside of a box." After all, LL's form a square. The overall approach had to "think different," the perfect nod to my days as Senior Worldwide Advertising Manager at Apple. There needed to be unconventionality amid harmonious form.
No small task.

Not only was Kaori was spot on with creating workable designs, she is a pattern whiz....and a very professional, personable designer. Our virtual collaboration was a joy.

Without further adieu, here's the work that transpired for both my corporate and personal brand identity and I couldn't be more thrilled!
Together, I think we nailed it. 

There is equity in establishing the architecture of this brand. 

And, it shows.

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